

Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy Statement 

The Yew Tree Community Centre in association with The Mountain of the Lord’s House Charity is concerned to safeguard the wholeness and the well-being of every person in our community, of whatever age. It is the responsibility of each one of us to prevent the physical, sexual or emotional abuse of every member of our community and particularly the abuse of those most vulnerable among us, including children and young people.

 It is the duty of all those who work with children and young people to prevent harm and abuse of every kind and to report any abuse discovered or suspected.

 It is the policy of THE YEW TREE COMMUNITY CENTRE / MOLH that no-one shall work with children and young people within THE YEW TREE COMMUNITY CENTRE / MOLH who: 

• has been convicted of or has received a formal police caution concerning an offence against children as listed in the First Schedule of the Children and Young Person’s Act 1933; or 

• has been convicted of or has received a formal police caution concerning sexual offences against children and young people. 

This means that: 

• all who work with children and young people under the auspices of THE YEW TREE COMMUNITY CENTRE / MOLH will be required to be checked through the Disclosure and Barring Services and are expected at all times to conform with good practice in their work; and 

• those responsible for the appointment of such workers must take all reasonable steps, including obtaining Disclosures from the Disclosure and Barring Service, to ensure that persons who have been convicted or have received a formal police caution concerning sexual offences against children or young people shall not undertake work with children and young people under the auspices of THE YEW TREE COMMUNITY CENTRE / MOLH.

Form of Declaration regarding Criminal Convictions and Consent to a Disclosure and Barring Service Check 

I consent to an Enhanced / Standard Disclosure check being made with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to determine whether there is any record of pending prosecutions, previous convictions, cautions, or bind over against me and to ensure that I am not on a barred persons list. I am aware that details of spent convictions will be disclosed along with other relevant information which may be known to the DBS. 

For information on our detailed safeguarding policy and procedures please contact:

Name:   Irene Ngoh Amegee on 07427124065 or email at

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