
Welcome to MOLH

Welcome to the Mountain Of the Lord’s House. A house of Prayer, Worship and the Word. Feel at home and be inspired as you browse through our pages. Do not hesitate to give us a call (07427124065) or drop us an e-mail (Lords.house@yahoo.co.uk) if need be. There is always someone at the other end to warmly welcome you.

Thank you and keep the fire of your faith burning.

Pastor Irene & Ben

Our vision is “To know the Lord Jesus Christ and be Christ”

We develop people in Christ, enabling them to discover their uniqueness and come into the experience of God’s love, His peace and Joy. The aim is to have a community of people who through their uniqueness are able to make practical and lasting impact in their walks of life. The people in our community matters. Therefore, keeping the community spirit is core to our existence.


From a team of passionate worshippers loving the Lord and living for Him alone.

Join us!

LOVE – Our duties to the communities is motivated by our love for all people.

CARE – We care especially for those in our communities who are disadvantaged.

TRANSPARENCY – We believe in being opened about all we do. Therefore, you can trust us.

INTERGRITY – We are committed to maintaining a high level of intergrity at all levels of our work with communities.

If you need help to attend the service, call us (+44) 161 879 8758 or use the form below.


If you need to talk privately or need counselling, you may do so by booking your appointment with a member of our MOLH counselling team.

Open Hours

Sun: 11:00


Yew Tree Community Centre,
Circular road M34 6EY

During the week

Tue: 21:00 – 22:30 on Zoom
Fri: 05:00 – 06:00 on Zoom

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