
Prayer House
A time of seeking the will of God and declaring His kingdom come in our lives, families and in our communities and cities at large.
Due to the government restrictions, our prayers are now held online via Zoom
Online intercessory prayer every Friday from 9.30pm to 10.30pm via Zoom.
For more information please contact 07427124065

Street Evangelism

Opened to every member of the church. It is our individual responsibilities to evangelise amongst our circle of friends, families, neighbours and invite them to be a part of the church family where they can grow in their faith.
To join our Evangelism Team, please contact 07427124065.

The Children’s Department
We are committee to following government guidelines on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and good working practice, including safe recruiting of workers.
We work to a formal safeguarding policy and it can be seen on request from the church secretary. If you have any concern regarding the safety or welfare of a child or a vulnerable adult, you can speak to Irene Amegee on 07427124065. She has been appointed by the leadership in this place of worship / organisation to respond to any safeguarding concerns.

Our children are our future and what we invest in them now will not only determine their future but the future of families, communities and the nation. We work in collaboration with parents in teaching the children the values of the Kingdom, giving them a stable and more focused life and empowering them to make a greater impact on society in the future.

For more information regarding our children’s department, please contact 07427124065

The Welfare Department
We not only look after the members of the church but also after the people in our communities. We identify pressing needs in the community and make provisions as appropriate, demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ.
We met Kirsty, a pregnant mother, but her house was not in the best form. We carpeted her house to provide a more comfortable environment for the arrival of her baby.

Equipping The Saints
We equip the saints, establishing them in the word and in Christ (Col 2:6-7), grooming them into future ministers of the gospel

Building stronger Communities
Community activities:

Together we build our Community and make it better. Our community activities are aimed at bringing the community together and building relationships of love and support for one another.
Job seekers: Support with writing CVs, personal statements and the coaching towards job interviews.
Counselling Services: Godly counselling to anyone who have experienced or is experiencing abuse, alcohol and drug
related challenges.

Not only is worship a key part of our service, but we also recognise the power of music in impacting our wellbeing. Join the team and receive the needed training in bettering your voice or your skills in a musical instrument.
Contact 07861499973 for further information.

Got Questions For Us?
If you would like to learn more or join us, please reach out to us.

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