Food Bank


The Mountain of the Lord’s House FOODBANK (Based in the Yew Tree Community Centre) is open to all people who are experiencing crisis in the Tameside area. We provide emergency food parcels to those who find they have no food including ethnic foods for BAME. In addition to foods, we also provide toiletries. The foodbank is based at the Yew Tree Community Centre, Circular Road, Denton, M34 6EY. Opening days and time: Every Tuesdays from 9:30am to 12:00pm; and Sundays from 11am to 13:30pm 

If you are in crisis or know of anyone who is in a crisis, then contact, social services department, or Jigsaw Homes (Formerly known as New Chatter) who can then refer you to the foodbank by voucher. We cannot give out food parcels unless a voucher is presented by you or your representative. If you are unable to obtain a voucher or need help outside our opening hours, then please contact Irene on the number below.

We run a coffee morning on the same day from 9:30am to 11:30am. Feel free to stop by for a brew and get a chance to meet others in the community.

We do understand that some people in crisis may not be able to get to the centre for one reason or the other. If you find yourself in this situation, our volunteers would be able to drop food parcel at your door step. 

Our foodbank is staff by volunteers and the food is made available by our funding organisations, donations from the Mountain of the Lord’s church and the Tameside community. If you wish to donate food, then contact Irene. Alternative you can donate food during our foodbank / coffee morning opening hours. 

Contact us

Contact person – Irene Ngoh

Contact number: 07427124065

Opening days:

Tuesdays – 9:30AM – 11:00am

Sundays: 11:00am – 13:30pm

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