
Our main purpose in this life is to grow in the stature of Jesus Christ and to be able to impact the lives of others with the life of Christ in us. Daily prayers (made according to the will of God) and fellowship with the Lord is one of the major keys in fulfilling this purpose.

In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus Christ taught His disciples how to pray. May we look into this prayer pattern that we may be able also to pray as He taught us to.

Matt 6:9—Our Father which art in heaven, hallow be your name

In prayer, it is paramount that we acknowledging the Father for who he is. (Heb 11:6)To Hallow His name means to respect His name. Have a revelation of the various names of God from scriptures. His names describe who he is. For example, He is almighty, the Most High God, the Great God, Abba Father, the God of impossibility—and many more. Praise and worship is a powerful weapon that subdues the enemy—Ps 149.

Matt 6:10—Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven —the Kingdom of God is God’s ruling. To be in God’s Kingdom and not be ruled by Him is like driving in the UK but not adhering to the UK’s driving code. As Christians we are to allow God to bring us under His ruling, only then can we begin to experience God’s Kingdom of righteousness, peace and Joy. When we ask for God’s Kingdom and for His will to be done, we are giving Him permission to come into our lives or family or friends or situation, and do as He wishes. This is the greatest prayer a believer can ever pray. It is a prayer of agreement with God for Him to establish His rule in our lives. Bear in mind that the effectiveness of this prayer depends on our willingness to walk in God’s will. In our prayer we should cry out to God and ask for His Kingdom to come first in our lives, then our families, friends, neighbours, community, city, nation. Ask for only the will of God to be done in your life and all these areas. Pray both in your understanding and in tongues.

“ When we ask for God’s Kingdom and for His will to be done, we are giving Him the permission to come into our lives or family or friends or situation, and do as He wish. This is the greatest prayer a believer can ever pray.”

Matt 6:11—Give us this day our daily bread—daily bread here means that which will sustain you for that day. It means that which will serve your need for the day. This is not limited to physical food. For man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. (Matt 4:4).

There are three main things that will service a believer’s needs for the day. They include; wisdom, grace and mercy.

Wisdom—ask God for the wisdom to know what to say, what to do, and how to handle the situations that confront you for that day.

Grace—ask God for the grace to deny self and to take up our cross daily and follow the master. Always remember this, that the divine life is only manifested where self-life is denied. Mercy—Romans 9:16 tells us that, “It is not of him that wills nor of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy”. What is mercy? It is sympathy. It is a feeling of compassion. coming from God the Father towards us His children. It is always accompanied with help. When the Father extends mercy towards you, He helps you in whatever situation you find yourself. So, ask for God’s mercy each day because it is daily bread. You may also ask for God’s provision where there is a need in your life. Remember Psalm 68 says that God daily loads us with benefits. Ask for His benefits for the day.

Matt 6:12—And forgive us our debts (sins, offences, trespasses) as we forgive our debtors. (those who offend us). Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal to you any wrong that is in you. Ask God to forgive you of the wrongs and be willing to change—God will change you if you are willing to. Also, you are to forgive anyone that has offended you. Remember that if we refuse to forgive, we will also not be forgiven by God. (Mk 11:25; Matt 6:14-15)

Matt 6:13—And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

The bible tells us to not yield to temptation (Rom 6:13), but it is better to not even have it at all. Ask the Father to lead you away from any trap that the enemy has placed for you, especially if you are not strong enough to overcome it. Remind the Father of His word in 1Cor 10:13 that says He will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able. Ask the Father to lead you away from any temptation that you are unable to bear, and for Him to make a way for you to escape the temptations that may come your way.

Matt 6:13—Deliver us from evil—ask God to deliver you from any evil that you may already be in. He is the great deliverer and able to deliver us from sin and the wicked plots of the devil.

Matt 6:13—For yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever, Amen—finish up your prayer time by ascribing to God what belongs to Him. And give him thanks for a victorious day.

If you would maintain a strong daily prayer life, you will grow into a strong fortress of truth that no demon in hell can shake. And above all, God will be able to use you to impact the lives of other people.

Always ask the Holy Spirit to come and pray through you. This way, you will find that prayer is not a struggle but something to enjoy.

If you feel heavy, just begin by singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. Just begin to think of the goodness of God and let your heart thank Him, and you will soon find yourself praying fervently.

As you pray for yourself, remember to pray for the brothers and sisters in Church and anyone that God leads you to pray for—especially your leaders.

Author: Pastor Irene Amegee

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